Слики: @cylicaldancing
Текст: Ги Дебор
– Vefix
i ate you
and the baby
you gave birth to
i swallowed your vomit
and then i released it
the dead i ate
stare at me
consume you
as if they still live
i gnaw into your flesh
you feel it
but deep down
you like it
the thing that is so
dirty about you
i tear apart into you
scraping marks
on your bones
gnawing at
your flesh
like the baby
teared through you
i took control
back in
as what left you
became a part of me
you are a born witch
i was never born
but now
you will become a part
of what makes me
eternal and whole
inside me
you will try to rejoice
and so will your copy
i still feel the pleasure
inside me
it is the same as
when i took you
the pleasure i gave to you
that i felt
is now
twice inside me
the singularity
isnt me
i defy
the eternal return
im here
and it
is not
inside me
you are born
you are the other
and i feel more alone
when you are the flesh
inside of me
than when i am whole
and there is nobody else
7.22 AM
Wed, Feb 1 2023
cannot sleep
animals dont rationalize the same
as any of them between one another
logic does not apply
love still does
– Vefix
I was born. I emerged from under a crevasse, I popped out! It was living – just like me. It corrected my existence by the very fact it made me. It was breathing. It had holes, openings, things that were passing by other things. It had a red fluid. Blood. It was and still is used for transferring materials from one place to another between a living thing. I was covered in it. It wasn’t meant for me, but it wasn’t living, so it stood there, idle, unresponsive, with very few movements, all of which were naturally scripted for it to do. Nothing unordinary, except, I was the one who made the blood be here. I cut open the womb as I was sliding out. It was my fault I was leaking in blood, and also that the one who I was sent from was also living, and also leaking in blood, but, it had way more pain than me. It was in pain because of me, yet, I was supposed to be a good thing? Of course, it being dangerous was another thing that happened. My head is simply too big for this wide, thick yet elastic living surface I was violently creamed out of like I’m worth nothing. There was absolutely no consideration for me. Not even a thought. It’s just a thing that happened, and I was both the one to experience it and the one to be there. Can a product enjoy itself? Why was the place where I was emerging from the slidiest and shortest of all places on this alien’s body? Oh! It must be because of attraction, and how I wasn’t going to slide out if it wasn’t as attracting and slim as it is now. A problem at the core of itself, a problem even bigger than me
Потковица на врската и дразбата
– Вефикс
Твоите очи се мојот дар, твојата сперма е кал, ти си цар
Крал без круна, во мислите ми леташ, ми вениш и цветаш, пазливо се шеташ
Јарану ран, снагата твоја ја јаде јадеж
Сив и нем – ти си статуа што блеска, во каменот ми плескаш
Кога те гледам треска со вреќа по глава ме удира и вреска
Ми ја гасни мојата мека помада, бела и слаба, врат без глава
Да те ставам во мојата када, ти си оаза
Јас сум жената во тебе, јас сум гадно бебе, ме имаш во себе
За тебе држам пизма, скинати писма, вресна и свисна
Ти си свиња, вепар, после тебе останав без листа
Не бројам ништо, не постои збор за глиста освен глиста, но пак ме стисна
Никна во мене и во тебе свиснав, свињата што ја остави шумата без лисја
Скини се, абдал стани, остави го ѓаволот рано со рани да те рани
Ти си тој – итар вепар кој ветар тепа
Зол – долг метар и пол, со глупа шапка, гледаш во саат и тапкаш, доцна зјапкаш
Кашлаш зборови и мразиш творби за творови, ми ги мразиш моите дарови
Со шал да те фатам, шапшал, да ти ги извадам округлите очи, твоето меко тело со илузии и лузни
Тегобот од твоите органи да ти олесне, телосно да се споиш, се да те чепка
Во се да стенкаш, силна крепка вода, посилна од веѓа што не трепка
Нас животот не турка и гребка, ти си стебло и јас сум семка
Ова ќе ти биде последната шала
На мачното од маката да му се смачи и монструмот конечно на грб да ти се качи
Грабадинаше по патот дур не ја грабна последната гребнатина
Ти си гребнатина во моето срце, свртено, ќе ми смрзне, да признае и да скршне
Додека влегуваше во мене со грб ми се сврте
Твојата љубов како крт е, донесе смрт, направи пресврт, остави крт, ти ме остави прв
На страшилото во апартманот му даде три дена да бега, тоа сум јас
Стана, иако му беше неговата смена, излегов и ме снема
Корни кожа, греби тело, накостреши се од петици до грклан
Самотија да те фати, вазеле на Сејтан
Твоето тело е помазно од зејтин
Ќе те јадам дур не станеш сеитан, те гребам и те сметам, ти сметам
Непокорлив, крив, гола жена се сползга низ тебе
Сполајван за тоа што си отужник себствен
Те разголува мојот вид, абдоминална кама наметната во тебе
Те направив тунел без зид
Љубов моја, дали го виде телото
Излижено, извалкано со црна боја на црна кожа
Љубов моја, дали го виде тоа, снегулка со осум листови, влажно тло, седиш и крепиш
Тело со веѓи, тажно, со скриен молк под усните, бело утро – со бемки трудно
Похотливост и снага во челото, линии на телото
Јадам, гризам, цути, отеченост, црни љигни ти течат од носот
Распарчени глини, отров, разлеано сребро
Со тебе сум готов
Те маанав и кај нејзе отидов со маните сите
Сите да видат
A Carcass
– C. Baudelaire
My love, do you recall the object which we saw,
That fair, sweet, summer morn!
At a turn in the path a foul carcass
On a gravel strewn bed,
Its legs raised in the air, like a lustful woman,
Burning and dripping with poisons,
Displayed in a shameless, nonchalant way
Its belly, swollen with gases.
The sun shone down upon that putrescence,
As if to roast it to a turn,
And to give back a hundredfold to great Nature
The elements she had combined;
And the sky was watching that superb cadaver
Blossom like a flower.
So frightful was the stench that you believed
You’d faint away upon the grass.
The blow-flies were buzzing round that putrid belly,
From which came forth black battalions
Of maggots, which oozed out like a heavy liquid
All along those living tatters.
All this was descending and rising like a wave,
Or poured out with a crackling sound;
One would have said the body, swollen with a vague breath,
Lived by multiplication.
And this world gave forth singular music,
Like running water or the wind,
Or the grain that winnowers with a rhythmic motion
Shake in their winnowing baskets.
The forms disappeared and were no more than a dream,
A sketch that slowly falls
Upon the forgotten canvas, that the artist
Completes from memory alone.
Crouched behind the boulders, an anxious dog
Watched us with angry eye,
Waiting for the moment to take back from the carcass
The morsel he had left.
— And yet you will be like this corruption,
Like this horrible infection,
Star of my eyes, sunlight of my being,
You, my angel and my passion!
Yes! thus will you be, queen of the Graces,
After the last sacraments,
When you go beneath grass and luxuriant flowers,
To molder among the bones of the dead.
Then, O my beauty! say to the worms who will
Devour you with kisses,
That I have kept the form and the divine essence
Of my decomposed love!
— William Aggeler – Charles Baudelaire, The Flowers of Evil (Fresno, CA: Academy Library Guild, 1954)